Saturday 31 May 2014

 so this is my project and it worked perfectly, but some problems I faced were that I couldn't get the 2nd syringe to stay straight so I put some wood around it and thank you for reading my blog bye  

Thursday 29 May 2014

hay everyone so the project is due may 30 2014 and I said on my last couple of blogs that I am going to make something that sprays out water but a couple of days ago I changed my mind and decided to make a small machine you can use to squish things like a banana so this is how it will work, first the water will pass from the first syringe to the 2nd syringe which will lift the banana until the fork squishes it. so wish me good luck, have a lot of work to do. bye and see u next time

Tuesday 13 May 2014

 hay guys, guess what,the project is coming to end and the due date is almost here, and the poject is coming together, and i just want to finish this project as sooon as possible. now i guess that u guys are wondering what the or how it looks like, i have ordered and got everything so all thats left is putting it together, so bye for now and dont forget to stay toon ansd thank u for reading my blog.